Spring and TCM

Spring has brought us the Jacaranda flowers as well as major changes to our environment. These changes influence our physiology, our moods and our vitality. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) considers the ability to adapt to seasonal changes very important for our health.
Allow me to share with you a few TCM concepts about Spring and how it relates to your Health.
- In TCM, Spring pertains to the “wood” element and is associated with the Gan and Dan organ/energy entities (loosely translated in “Liver” and “Gall Bladder”).
- It is the beginning of a new cycle, characterised by maximum potential for expansion and growth.
- The natural energy flow, which during winter went deep within our body to be regenerated by our deepest batteries, the Kidneys, is now moving to the Liver.
- The effect of an unhindered flow of regenerated Liver Qi makes us naturally creative, effective and dynamic. We feel attracted to new projects. We see things in a different light. We want to “move”.
- It is therefore healthy, for this time of the year, to feel the urge to reorganise and tidy our environment, revitalize our body and nurture the creative aspect of our mind. Spring is a time of making space for the new and fresh by letting go of the old and stale.
- Decisions and planning should be embraced and we should experience a clear sense of direction.
- Emotional issues, stress, postural imbalances together with other organ pathologies can hinder your Liver’s function, leading to anger, frustration and indecision.
Is important you choose to take the time to carry out some activities and/or have some treatments that can help harmonise your mind and body with the changing environment (and why not, also make good use of the private health insurance before the end of the year).
From swimming or singing, to creative workshops, from Pilates or Gym to enrolling in Yoga or Qi-Gong classes all of the above will help to ease the flow of Liver Qi in your body. Acupuncture and Massage are obviously very effective, especially if there are already some symptoms of Liver Qi stagnation (eg tight shoulder and neck, waking up between 1-3am, feeling of tightness in the chest or lump in the throat, bitter taste in the mouth, sighing, moodiness, irregular or painful period and irritability just to mention a few).