Cultivating our tomatoes.. cultivating our health

Cultivating our garden can be much more than just growing vegetables.
Cultivating is a process independent from the outcome. Yet the produce of our garden is profoundly and directly connected to the cultivating intention/skill we apply to our gardening.
Similarly when we cultivate our health, healing becomes a process independent from our conditions. Yet our ease or dis-ease is profoundly and directly influenced by the intention/skill we apply to our healing process.
When we shift our focus from the crop to the process of cultivating we become interested in discovering and learning about the soil, the plant and all the conditions that leads to a fertile and healthy soil able to sustain our seedlings.
The process of why/how/when/where tomatoes (or weeds) grow better becomes a discovering journey where we explore which conditions are best suitable for our tomatoes seed to transform in to yummy tomatoes.
Mulching, watering, weeding, composting and pruning but also collecting, preparing and eating our produce; contemplating where the garden is at present as well as envisaging our garden in the different seasons or as an integrated part of our living environment, becomes part of the process of cultivating.
When we observe and listen with a genuine interest and curiosity to what is manifesting in our veggie garden. When we attend to whatever is calling for our attention with a genuine curiosity and gentleness we are not only cultivating our tomatoes, we are also cultivating our inner garden.
By taking a genuine caring interest and responsibility for our garden we also take care and responsibility for our self.
As we attend to our outer garden needs our healing process has also begun from within; transforming lack of motivation, depression, frustration in to an opportunity for understanding and growth. These are the perfect inner gardening conditions for cultivating enjoyment and a sense of connection with mother earth.
Gardening is a process where we learn first hand how the natural laws that regulate the cultivation of our garden also apply to the cultivation of our health, our relationships and our world.
A process in which we can learn as much about our soil and our tomatoes as we can learn about our self and how to cultivate our health.
For those of us (the great majority) who have a choice, cultivating and crafting an exceptional health (and life) is something we owe to the miracle of life, as we are a fine example of this miracle.